The 10 Crack Commandments

Yes, this is not a joke, you're reading this right

"The 10 Crack Commandments" is a song by the late rapper Christopher Wallace, better known as The Notorious B.I.G. or Biggie Smalls. The song was released in 1997 on his album "Life After Death".

The title of the song is a play on words, referencing the Ten Commandments from the Bible. However, instead of providing moral guidance, the song lays out a set of rules for aspiring drug dealers on how to avoid getting caught by law enforcement.

But what the actucal hell does this have to do with OPSEC??

Well, let me ask you a question before we continue. What kind of people wanna stay anonymous the most? Yes, drug dealers. And that's because they understand the value of protecting their information, and avoiding getting caught. While some of the "Crack Commandments" may not be applicable to those practising good OPSEC, there are definitely some similarities. Here are the original commandments:

  1. Never let anyone know how much money you have.

  2. Never let anyone know your next move.

  3. Never trust anyone.

  4. Never use what you sell.

  5. Never sell where you live.

  6. Never take credit.

  7. Keep your family and business completely separated.

  8. Never keep any crack on you.

  9. If you aren't being arrested, stay away from the police.

  10. Consignment is strictly for live men.

Now, here's an OPSEC version of these commandments (source):

  1. Never reveal your operational details.

  2. Never reveal your future plans – silence and violence.

  3. Never trust anyone.

  4. Never confused recreation and work.

  5. Never operate from your own house.

  6. Be proactively paranoid, it doesn’t work retroactively.

  7. Keep your life and work completely separate.

  8. Keep your personal environment contraband free.

  9. Don’t ever talk to the police.

  10. Don’t give anyone power over you.

See the similarities? It is paramount to follow these. If you doubt me, you can see what sort of trouble violating No. 7 got ponponpurin into:

Last updated