Updates n Stuff

27 June 2023


I hope you're finding this very-easy-to-find-and-totally-not-useless content very very helpful. I do kinda realize that this is turning into a kinda red-team manual clone, but y'all better bet your arses that I'm determined to keep the malware dev theme running.

Also, if you do read this, please comment anything, I'd rather y'all talk shit in the comments ngl.

Imma add some more entries in the future if i feel like it. 🤷‍♂️

7 September 2023

Hey Folks~

So you may have noticed that there's not been much going on with updating this guide and new content. Well the thing is..... I'm finally attending University!

You probably know what that means; THIS BOOK THING IS DEAD AAAAAA.....

Well, actually, no. Long story short, I still wanna keep working on this even if it means taking time away from normal non-study activities like hanging out with friends and such. So I ask you to not worry :)

It usually takes a lot of time and learning effort to actually come up with a proper section on a topic, so if you have any knowledge on some topic and feel like it should be included in this, PLEASE reach out to me using my email, discord, linkedin, whatever you wish.

That being said, I thank all of you for the support


Last updated